Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Prism International

PRISM international 47:3, Spring 2009

Copies of the PRISM international issue that features my work just arrived in my mailbox. I'm so pleased with the results! It's lovely and has been a great read, so please please please pick it up if you get the chance. Or go subscribe to this quarterly at their website. Thanks to the folks at Prism, especially Michelle Miller, for contacting me for this project.

By Ginger!


Over the Bars!

It's probably obvious that these were greatly inspired by bicycle wanderings. This has been the main way of getting to know my new home in Santa Monica; by foot, bike and bus. Here are some of my favorite sites:

Under an overpass. 

The shadows cast on my porch.

The unfortunate butt.

The kick-arse ceiling, and book wall in our new aptartment.

Crazy critters also inspired me. Here's my favorite crazy critter, passed out in a sun spot after reading up on her art hero:

Monday, May 4, 2009

The Story of Docile and Feral

This is the front and back cover of The Story of Docile and Feral, an adult fairy tale by Shelly Smith. Shelly contacted me a few years back to illustrate her story, and there are now over 30 full page and spot illustrations in this baby! 

The time is right and Shelly is now letting the book out into the world. For more information, or to purchase it, please visit: www.docileandferal.com Get your copy today! This is a self publishing venture so your support will be much appreciated.

Translating to the Beetles 

Above is a little before and after action. This is one of the first illustrations I made for Shelly, and it was eventually chosen to be the story's cover girl. You can see it has a vertical orientation, but somewhere along the line we changed things to be horizontal and the image had to be elongated. I wanted to show the vertical version here because it's still my favorite.